L’ultimo aggiornamento di #Autodesk Licensing Service (per versioni Single User) che include correzioni delle vulnerabilità è ora disponibile per il download.
Non dimenticatevi di controllare regolarmente la Vostra App Desktop per aggiornamenti e correzioni.
Gli aggiornamenti di Autodesk Licensing Service sono cumulativi e contengono tutte le modifiche degli aggiornamenti precedentemente rilasciati. Autodesk consiglia vivamente di installare l’ultima versione disponibile di Autodesk Licensing Service per ricevere migliorie su affidabilità e prestazioni.
Autodesk Licensing Service download
The Latest Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service Update
Please see Autodesk Licensing – Release Notes for details about improvements and defect fixes.
Autodesk Licensing Service updates are applicable to the 2020 and later product versions.
How to install Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service
- Close all Autodesk products.
- Download and unzip the AdskLicensingInstaller-win- installer file.
- Right-click the AdskLicensing-installer.exe file and go to Properties > General Tab.
Important: If you see a Security section at the bottom of the window (as shown in the following screenshot), select Unblock.
4. Click OK to close the window.
5. Double-click the EXE file to start the installation.
- Download Autodesk Licensing Service -mac- installer file.
- Extract the downloaded file.
- Terminal: Navigate to the folder containing the TAR file and enter the following command: tar zxvf AdskLicensingInstaller-mac-
- Finder: Navigate to the folder containing the TAR file and double-click the compressed TAR file you downloaded.
- After you extract the file, do one of the following:
- On the command line, enter the following command to install the extracted PKG file: sudo installer -pkg /path/to/AdskLicensing- -target /
- Double-click the AdskLicensing- file and follow the instructions
- Download the Autodesk Licensing Service -linux- installer file.
- Extract the downloaded file.
- Terminal: Navigate to the folder containing the TAR file and enter the following command: tar -xvf AdskLicensingInstaller-linux-
- After extraction, use the following commands to install licensing:
- cd adsklicensinginstaller
- sudo sh install.sh
If you get a licensing error after updating to, please follow the troubleshooting steps:
- Close all Autodesk applications.
- Reboot your computer.
- Restart the product.
See Also